Rebel Diaries
Reached #22 in the Apple Business Chart: A podcast that looks into what it takes to be successful at work in the digital age, whilst avoiding burnout and wasted effort. For people who won't accept "because we have always done it this way", that know work can be better and want to serve their customers better. Featuring interviews with thought leaders and inspiring people who have challenged the normal way of doing things and made a big impact as a result. Hosted by Scott Fulton, Entrepreneur, Coach and Speaker. You can find him online here: https://linktr.ee/scottfulton
Rebel Diaries
Liu Liu - Working With Cross Cultural Teams
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the show: https://www.speakpipe.com/rebeldiariesvoicemail
Liu Liu is a coach and manager with decades of experience, as a Cross-Cultural Intelligence Coach who specializes in helping international organizations and businesses to improve communications and cooperation among staff for better individual and team performance. He coaches managers and leaders working in a cross-cultural context to build trust, communicate effectively, and deliver results. He also coaches people on management, leadership, and career development. He is someone who helps you to imagine a greater possibility for yourself and supports you in achieving it.
What Scott discusses with Liu Liu
- How being an immigrant from China meant he had to essentially start his career progression from scratch
- How he did a degree whilst working in the post room
- How he is now managing an international team working in 50 countries in the same company he started in
- Cross Cultural Communication Vs Cross Cultural Intelligence
- How different cultures build trust when they first meet to do work together
- How different cultures see punctuality as either important or not important for business meetings
- Lenient time vs flexible time
- Guild Culture vs Shame Culture
- And much more...
Links in this episode
- The Secret Of My Success Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGHDATIJIX8
- World Order: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20821140-world-order
- Liu Liu on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liu-liu-742546223/
- Liu Liu's website: https://liuliucoaching.com/
- The 1 Missing Management Tool: https://www.brainzmagazine.com/post/the-1-missing-management-tool
Keep in touch with the show
- Leave Scott a voicemail and possibly get featured on the show: https://www.speakpipe.com/rebeldiariesvoicemail
- Connect with Scott on social media: https://linktr.ee/scottfulton
- Podcast website: https://www.rebeldiaries.net
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How Scott can help you and your business
- Scott's website for High Performance Training and Coaching: https://www.scottfulton.co.uk
- Digital Rebels - Digital Development and Consulting: https://www.digitalrebels.co.uk
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